Wednesday, 14 October 2009


So pleased you liked the card we sent, it is usually you that makes me cry with your cards, got my own back ! We will have some bubbles to celebrate when i am down.
Just wishing you a very happy birthday!! Sue thought this was just your sort of humour.
With all love as always Mum xx


Sue T said...

Hey little ma!
Thanks for the birthday wishes :-0
God! it only seems like yesterday that last photo was taken for my 30th! Where has this year gone?
Am meeting up with the chipmonks tonight for bubbles and football! What more could I wish for?

looking forward to seeing you soon and spending the day with us 3 gals.

Love you

avalon said...

Oooh bubbles and football you lucky lady, wish i were there as well. Nans nodding dog will be watching footy tonight :D Love to the "chipmonks" have a great evening. At last you made a comment LOL !!!