My have i had a lot on this week or so. Started off last tuesday with an evening drive up to kent, spent a nice few hours with daughter and son in law bed at midnight, had meeting with hospital on wednesday went ok but they do not want to force mum into anything she does not want to do saying they will assess her at home to see what she is capable of before deciding on anything, mum is so aprehensive about any change in her life, so we will just have to play it slowly at the moment, she will be in hospital for a good while yet i think. We took her down to the resaurant and her eyes lit up as she saw scampi and chips on the menu little things can make such a difference at the moment, spent time showing her the family tree we have been doing which seemed to take her mind off things, left mum at 3ish had to get ready for our concert in the evening, got to mums and just both had a good sleep it is mentally and physically demanding, in an almost selfish point of view i was pleased tony came along just to see what goes on when i am up in london it is exhausting day after day just travelling to and from is bad enough, but it was good for mum to see him as well.
Evening at the concert was wonderful, it was held in The Union Chapel islington, we were expecting not to have seats so it was a welcome relief to see there were some! Walked in to find it was literally a chapel, the stage was set under the pulpit in front of these wonderful stained glass windows, and the seats were the pews great! we managed to get there quite early so had seats three rows in perfect view. Had a nice cup of tea sitting in the pew very novel at a concert no alcohol was being served in the church, not a bad thing in my opinion! Great concert and we bought the cd to listen to on the way home in the car the next day. Uneventful thursday drove back home to cornwall, touched base until friday then i was off again!
Good food show in birmingham exhausting but well worth it, had so many free tit bits along the way scrummy sausages, cheeses, crab, curry pate you name it we tried it we were there from 10.30 until 5.45, got to our friends house and had a lovely homemade moussaka and fruit crumble and a bottle of bubbles perfect end to a perfect day. Sunday we shopped till we dropped again our friends son is getting married so the outfit was bought Nicky looked so elegant so it was a good shopping trip, i bought loads as well mainly xmas gifts . It was a lovely weekend really enjoyed the whole girlie thing thanks Kim and Nicky
Chippenham Park Gardens
6 days ago
So good to hear that the hospital are not pressurising your Mum to do anything before she's ready Jan.
Sounds as though you really enjoyed the concert and food show - makes me hungry reading out it. :D
quite agree about mum she just needs more time really to get things right in her own mind.
You would have loved the good food show yum yum!
Good heavens, you must have been exhausted...all that coming and going. Sounds like you had a good time though.
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